Time to Grow

April 22, 2024

Spring is a wonderful season. Watching the nature waking up and making the most amazing shapes and colours seemingly out of nothing is the best inspiration for creative souls. 

It never fails to fill me with awe and and urge to participate.

For many years now, my first spring project is the seedling, the simplest pattern that I ever designed. And I just can’t seem to grow out of it 🙂 

I love leaf tallies in bobbin lace, and I love to make them in wire. The seedling is therefore an ideal pattern because it has nothing else than two leaves. The cotyledons are completed with the seed they originate from, and together they symbolize the new beginning, new life, new energy.

The seeds I like to use for the seedling are rudraksha seeds from India. Their name means “Tears of Shiva” and are considered to be auspicious and valuable as an instrument for inner transformation. The rudraksha seeds have been used for millennia as prayer beads. I found them in the Little India district in Vancouver where I used to browse and admire the traditional Indian arts and crafts. I always liked the shape and feel of the rudraksha seeds, even before I learned about their ancient history. They just looked like true seeds, and being round and wearable made them the best choice for the seedling pendant.

As I keep learning a little bit more about Indian spiritual traditions, I find it very interesting that in continuity of the ancient wisdom, a movement to Save Soil originated in India and is spreading around the world. It connects all aspects of environmental stewardship back to the health of the soil, and therefore has a potential to spearhead a real change. Because seedlings of any kind can germinate only in good soil.

Every year when the spring comes I make the seedling pendants. I like to wear them, too. More like a lucky charm than jewellery, especially when working in the garden, because in that field I am a complete amateur and need a lot of help from Mother Nature (the pendants are pretty hardy and can withstand a lot of wear and tear). Other seedlings get dispersed to family and friends with green thumbs, and sometimes strangers too, with an occasional overstock being donated to a local garden club’s annual plant sale/fundraiser. 

To spread the seeds even further, the Seedling Pattern and Tutorial became available as part of Basic Series of my patterns for wire lace. Not that I expect there are many more lacemakers crazy about seedlings, but this simple design is truly good for practicing those leaf tallies!

Spring is in full swing, and if you feel like growing some plants, or lacemaking skills, give the Seedling a try!

Happy lacemaking to you all 🙂

Sun Time!

Summer is so good for lacemaking in Canada.
We have extra long days (16 hours,12 minutes  and 27 seconds on solstice today), which means a plenty of natural light that is really best for fine hand work. And because our summer arrives after a long harsh winter, it brings so much joy and positive energy that it almost feels like a spiritual experience. Like reconnecting with the Life Source, rejoicing in its presence and and reposing in its embrace.

In my studio, the Spring Blossoms are gone, and the workspace is ready for the next project.

I am thinking about a Renaissance Sun, like many I made before, but bigger and stronger, able to rejuvenate the nature and breathe new life into everything, and art in particular.
Because we really need it now.

I wish to myself – and every creative person out there – a heavenly inspiration, calm mind, steady hands and a plenty of time for all summer projects!

Spring Equinox 2023

Super Pink Moon Tonight

Everybody is looking for some magic, and the one coming from above never fails…

Pink Moon Pendant in fine and sterling silver, with rhodochrosite moon and rose quartz mist drops. This piece is quite old and I had to dig deep in my archive to find the photo. It brings back some good memories, and also a wish to create another one… will see what the Moon says tonight…

Enjoy the celestial spectacle and then come back for the opening of the 3rd lace|heart|art online exhibition of handmade bobbin lace in colour!

Lace well done…

Season wrap-up wire lace workshop is coming on Saturday, June 27, 2015. It will harness the fresh summer energy to finish projects we started in previous workshops, to improve, strengthen and grow our skills and most of all, to release the creative potential locked in lace. Bring your unfinished projects in wire bobbin or needle lace with your questions about techniques and finishing, bring your finished projects to show and share with others, and of course, bring your ideas for future lace designs. Be ready for learning, brainstorming and fun!

Detailed information and registration

lace well done poster






















Spring Growth – Leaves, leaves and more leaves

BLW3-poster April workshop follows the spring theme with leaf motif. Leaves have a special place in lace design. They are bold, prominent and quite beautiful. In fibre lace, the leaf tallies can be difficult to master, and because of that, they are often feared by new lacemakers. Wire medium is quite different, though, and suits perfectly to successful leaf-making.  Exploring foliage in wire lace is exciting, because the process is so much easier that negotiating tallies in thread. Lacemakers can relax, have fun and create beautiful leaves of all shapes. In this workshop, instruction will cover three kinds of leaves:  plaited leaves, leaf tallies and 3-pair leaves, as well as colour variations in leaf design and implementing leaf design in wearable lace jewellery.  With just two pairs of bobbins, lacemakers will create a seedling pendant, and add one more pair to start a vine that can grow into a necklace, bracelet or a garland ornament. This workshop is suitable for beginners, but is also open to experienced lacemakers, especially those who want to overcome lacemaker’s  leaf-phobia, and see that they can become happy and prolific leaf growers. Detailed information and registration

Genoese Scallop Pendant

Genoese Scallop Pendants are inspired by bold and beautiful patterns of the Genoese laces.
Lace made in Genoa was very popular in the Renaissance fashion. Wide scalloped patterns were firmly rooted in a sacred geometry of the early Renaissance, which gave them a mysterious strength and rare beauty. This was lace of choice for the famous standing and falling collars that supported many royal heads of the European courts of the 17th century.

Genoese lace is uniquely suited for original lace jewellery. The patterns, which did not loose any of their magic and still evoke a regal connection, bestow the quality of one-of-a-kind heirloom.

Material: Fine silver, gold plated with 24kt gold, with garnet (left) or fresh water pearls (right).

Gold Genoese Scallop Pendants

Gold Genoese Scallop Pendants

Material: Enamelled copper with onyx (left) or labradorite (right)

Black Genoese Scallop Pendant

Black Genoese Scallop Pendant

Material: Fine silver with watermelon tourmaline (left) or moonstone (right)

Silver Genoese Scallop Pendant

Silver Genoese Scallop Pendant

All but one in private collections.

Photography: Kenji Nagai

Copyright © 2014 Lenka Suchanek. All rights reserved.