Old Wise Tree in Virrat, Finland

Another Old Wise Tree has grown! This time in Finland, a country renowned for its stunning nature with forests covering more than seventy-five per cent of the land area. There must be a lot of old wise trees there! 

Thanks to Pia Särkänlahti, we get to see one made in lace. 

And what a wonderful interpretation ot the Old Wise Tree theme it is! With branches and roots made in two colours, the tree looks like two trees entwined, merged together.  Pia adapted the original design to create a unique wedding gift, and her idea worked beautifully: two trees have become one in a loving embrace. The branches met and the connection extended all the way to the roots, joining them in harmony to supply the tree with strength and nourishment for years to come. 

A very special wedding gift, indeed, auspicious and symbolic at the same time. 

And so true to the lacemaking tradition of creating family heirlooms, by hand and with love, for the most important occasion, in the most delicate of textile techniques. 

Congratulation, Pia, and thank you for sharing your artwork!

The Free Old Wise Tree Pattern and Tutorial as published on this website two years ago, on January 16th, 2021. Since then

  • the page has been viewed 7666 times
  • 1523 visitors downloaded the pricking
  • 20 artworks from 4 countries have been submitted to be exhibited in the Old Wise Tree Gallery

A big Thank You to all participating lacemakers!

Maybe there are more lace trees out there? If you created your own, I would like to hear from you. 

All lacemakers who create their original Old Wise Trees based on the free pattern are welcome to submit their lace art to the Old Wise Tree GALLERY!

Please consider reaching out by sending a photo of your tree with following information to this email address: 


Your Name + City / Country + Materials used + Pricking size (if different than the original 100%)
+ Optional: Notes (any specific information you would like to add)


Disclaimer: By submitting the photo/s and requested information you agree that your work will be displayed in the Old Wise Tree Gallery hosted on this website.


Happy lacemaking and old wise tree growing,
