Just launched – Lenka’s Wire Lace Supplies Online Shop

New Wire Lace Supplies shop on Etsy just opened to cater to the needs of adventurous lacemakers, spirited artists, passionate jewellers and one-of-a-kind fashion designers worldwide… please visit and spread the word!



Lace well done…

Season wrap-up wire lace workshop is coming on Saturday, June 27, 2015. It will harness the fresh summer energy to finish projects we started in previous workshops, to improve, strengthen and grow our skills and most of all, to release the creative potential locked in lace. Bring your unfinished projects in wire bobbin or needle lace with your questions about techniques and finishing, bring your finished projects to show and share with others, and of course, bring your ideas for future lace designs. Be ready for learning, brainstorming and fun!

Detailed information and registration

lace well done poster